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Response of induced seismicity to production changes in the Groningen field

Authors: Karin van Thienen-Visser, D. Sijacic, M. Nepveu, JD van Wees, J. Hettelaar
Response of induced seismicity to production changes in the Groningen field
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Recent developments on the seismicity of the Groningen field in 2015

Authors: Karin van Thienen-Visser, Dr. P. Fokker, M. Nepveu, D. Sijacic, J. Hettelaar, B. van Kempen
Recent developments on the seismicity of the Groningen field in 2015
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Veiligheidsbeschouwing aardbevingen Groningen t.b.v. NPR 9998

Authors: R. Steenbergen, A. Vrouwenvelder, N Scholten
Veiligheidsbeschouwing aardbevingen Groningen t.b.v. NPR 9998
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen