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Toetsing van de bodemdalingsprognoses en seismische hazard ten gevolge van gaswinning van het Groningen veld

Authors: TNO
Toetsing van de bodemdalingsprognoses en seismische hazard ten gevolge van gaswinning van het Groningen veld
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Mogelijke alternatieven voor ondergrondse opslag van gas in de zoutkoepel Pieterburen

Authors: G. Remmelts
Op verzoek van het ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie (EL&I) is onderzocht wat vanuit geotechnisch oogpunt de mogelijke alternatieven zijn voor ondergrondse gasopslag in de zoutkoepel Pieterburen. Aan EDF is een...
Publication date:
Thema: Energy transition, Underground storage, Salt

Workshop - “Squeezing Salts” – an expensive problem

Authors: NITG-TNO
On May 11th, 2004 a one-day seminar was organised in Utrecht by the Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO (TNO-NITG) on the topic “Squeezing Salts” and aiming at providing a forum for discussion to relevant parties active in the...
Publication date:
Thema: Salt

Abandonment of solution mined salt caverns in the Netherlands

Authors: Dr. I. Kroon, Dr. B. Orlic, Dr. B. Scheffers
Salts have been mined in different parts of the world since ancient times for human consumption and industrial purposes. Besides a traditional dry mining method, solution mining has been commonly employed in the Netherlands and elsewhere in...
Publication date:
Thema: Salt

Recent developments of the Groningen field in 2014 and, specifically, the southwest periphery of the field

Authors: TNO
Recent developments of the Groningen field in 2014 and, specifically, the southwest periphery of the field
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen