Application for exploration or production licence of mineral and geothermal resources

Application for exploration or production licence of mineral and geothermal resources

The exploration and production of mineral and geothermal resources require an appropriate permit from the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs. The procedure to apply for such a permit is outlined in chapter 2 of the Mining Act (articles 14+17 in particular) and detailed in chapter 1 of the Mining Regulations. Section 1.2 and 1.3 and appendices 1 and 2 of the Mining Regulations contain a summary of the information that must be provided with a permit application.

The most efficient way to satisfy this requirement and therefore avoid any possible delay in the authorisation process is for Licencees to send the document to:
1. Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Directie Transitie Diepe Ondergrond, Postbus 20401, 2500 EK, Den Haag and
2. the digital version to

Practical explanation of the procedure by the Ministry of Economic Affairs

Article 1.3.1 of the Mining Decree states that an applicant for an exploration licence will have to submit a geological report. The contents of this report are described in sub 2d. Following questions by operators on the realization of this geological report you can download a report by TNO as an example. This report illustrates to what detail/depth the content of the geological report can be treated. It will not need further explanation that every application will have to deal with specific local and/or regional aspects. It is the responsibility of the operator to adequately describe these. The here presented report should be treated as an assistance to the applicant, from which no rights can be derived.

Request form: Exploration Licence application
Request form: Production Licence application

Mining Act: chapter 2, articles 6-24
Mining Decree: article 7
Mining Regulation: article 1.2.1article 1.2.2articles 1.3.1-1.3.3appendix 1 and appendix 2