Splitting of a licence

Splitting of a licence

If the holder of a licence wishes to transfer part of the licence to another party, he must submit an appliacation for the splitting of the licence as referred to in article 19.a.

The most efficient way to satisfy this requirement and therefore avoid any possible delay in the authorisation process is for Licencees to send the document to:
1. Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Directie Transitie Diepe Ondergrond, Postbus 20401, 2500 EK, Den Haag and
2. the digital version to mijnbouwvergunningen@minezk.nl.

Request form: Subdivision of Licence applicatio

Mining Act: article 19, sub a
Mining Decree: article 135 and article 136
Mining Regulation: article 1.8.1