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TNO stelt modellen bij voor betere aardgasprognoses

Authors: Dr. R. Dalman, G. Remmelts, Dr. J. Juez-Larré
De verwachting van de aardgasproductie in Nederland wordt overschat en daarvoor zijn twee oorzaken. In de eerste plaats is het aantal exploratieboringen naar vermoede gasvelden het afgelopen jaar fors gedaald ten opzichte van de...
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Thema: Olie & Gas

Inventory of wells through shallow gas layers in the Dutch North Sea

Authors: Dr. M. Wilpshaar, G. de Bruin, N. Versteijlen
During a dertigledendebat on the 14th of November 2017 regarding a new gas discovery to the North of Schiermonnikoog, the House of Representatives called attention, amongst others, to methane emissions related to gas production. This debate...
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Thema: Olie & Gas

Regional Understanding of the Cenozoic “Shallow Gas” Play of Blocks F4 & F5

Authors: J. ten Veen, S. Peeters, M. den Dulk, K. Geel
In the Southern North Sea, shallow gas is defined as gas that resides in shallow marine to continental (deltaic) deposits of the Cenozoic Southern North Sea shelf-edge delta. It is either structurally trapped in anticlines above salt domes...
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Thema: Olie & Gas

Rotliegend Play Project - Characterisation of the Rotliegend Groups in the Northern Dutch Offshore

Authors: R. Bourroullec, H. de Haan, K. Geel, S. Peeters, J. Hettelaar, H. Doornenbal
The aim of the project was to better understand the architecture and distribution of Permian reservoir sands in the Dutch northern offshore and increase the prospectivity of these areas. The Cygnus Field in UK is producing from the same...
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Thema: Olie & Gas

3D seismic analysis of the Terschelling Basin Sliding Complex

Authors: F. Bardi
Submarine landslides are a very important mechanism in moving big amounts of sediment down-slope.
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Thema: Olie & Gas

Workshop - Fifty years of petroleum exploration in the Netherlands after the Groningen discovery

Authors: EBN, TNO
Fifty years of petroleum exploration in the Netherlands after the Groningen discovery
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Thema: Olie & Gas